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"Maverick | Folding Hook" is designed for my beloved Brompton folding bike with a unique rear derailleur modification, where I hacked the standard road bike rear derailleur to the Brompton frame to achieve the road-bike class gear shifting performance while maintaining the most compact folding size in the market.
The body of the hook is made out of MJF 3D-printed Nylon 12, and the geometry is injection-molded ready as well.
The goal is to inspire and support the maverick modification of Brompton folding bikes for individual riding preferences.

Brompton's folding mechanism has been developed for decades, and every screw and nut is precisely curated for a solid and convenient folding experience.
Therefore, a tiny modification will create a chain effect of incompatibility with other components and breaks the foldability.
By fine-tuning the rear derailleur setting and measuring and evaluating the smallest folding angle, with rounds of iteration and failure, the extended folding hook locks the front wheel with the chainstays tightly when the bike is folded, yet provides the right angle and clearance for the front and rear wheel in order to stand still on the ground.

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